Friday, March 18, 2011

Insurance For Beginners


Welcome to the World Trade guide. In this context, we will take on the insurance industry, insurance, adequate and accurate description of the general definition of definition, let's talk briefly about the history, the insurance company, insurance insurance, class, the role of insurers in the industry and how you more than you yourself, your car, your home, even your business can benefit is to get insurance as individuals. We have met the above article to the topic will enjoy reading the essence of your search is expected.

Insurance is a financial institution classified as a non-bank financial institution. They key financial gap - are miles diary. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers in present day Iraqi residents of the valleys on the ancient practices 4.000BC supposedly originated. That it is History in 1800BC, Hammurabi's Babylonian Code provisions in the law that their government had contained elements of commercial insurance. But today we in the industry, both locally and internationally was a huge industry around the world just moved from an agreement between two people.

Are, by definition, means we learn that insurance against a situation whereby a risk to yourself or protect yourself and reduce the impact of uncertainties as well as distributed loss. Other details of the case to it so when a certain amount of money by an insurance company to collect from any person or render services of a compensation payment if and when the person specified in the insurance contract loss suffers as agreed, and explained, this is where an insurance company comes into play because the people in the agreement against any of his stuff to take an insurance policy are to go with the person. Widely in the industry is a means by which people reduce the risk of unforeseen circumstances, is believed to have been. As financial intermediaries, the additional units and maintain the economy growth deficit of the general economy to act as intermediaries between units.

A, insurance companies, their policy holder when used in compensating affected by any accident how to create money may ask? The answer, we have various means through which insurance companies make their money and their policy holders are talking about how the compensation would take. The truth is that policy holders their money (ie that have an agreement with an insurance company) as the premium collected (some of the normal cost in addition to paying an extra amount of money invested by the BBC.. . England dict) and the money is invested in bonds, stocks, mortgages (ie home) and government securities (our subsequent article, we will explain this more. bonds, stocks, mortgages and government securities). Which generate income for themselves and their service. He is better at business and the word maximum return on investment is needed when there are many of his claims and losses need to meet their policy holder's money to invest. These funds are invested themselves, that they not only include funds can earn interest, but also the government, public officials and securities industries, whose investments are spread profit insurance company (we'll do because of the investment policy, explain later), their reserve funds are not left idle butt is productivity.

Another way through which insurance companies cover their services to the many contributions that offset some among them who were affected by bad luck against the insured is used. So some part of the loss by many.

We hope to expand this, you insurance company about the above statement to be understood. Now the next thing we would be considered an act of insurance companies.

Among other actions, the insurance company is bearing the main event risk, individuals judiciously financial losses are distributed among many people, for example, in case of fire, fire insurance premiums in the policy holder in a common pool pays, out of which the losses are compensated.

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